All Malabar owner’s manuals are found on, free of charge! You do not need a Malabar login to access the manuals. Please use the below link to find the manual for your unit.
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No specific time for re-calibration is specified since load gauges are a load indicator only and do not accurately measure load. Since aircraft jack hydraulic operated load gauges are not a device for recording or measuring, calibration schedules (when and if desired) are determined by user preference. Malabar does not guarantee accuracy of load gauges mounted on aircraft jacks.
The load gauge is an accessory or optional item on all aircraft jacks. It is not recommended for axle jack applications where the jack is subject to frequent high speed towing or other conditions that would induce excessive shock or vibration. Load Gauges are usually specified on tripod jacks that are moved infrequently, towed at slow speeds (less than 5 mph) and rough or uneven surfaces are avoided. A load gauge does not accurately measure load. It’s only purpose is to provide an approximate indication of load. (Most aircraft jack load gauges are hydraulic pressure gauges that measure the internal fluid pressure of the jack. Jack plunger(s) seal friction, mechanical side load on the jack plunger(s), weight of plunger(s) and the accuracy of the gauge itself all contribute to reduced accuracy.
For additional information see Load Gauge Technical Paper (PDF)
High speed towing (in excess of 5 mph) or towing over rough or uneven surfaces are the primary cause of premature caster wear or failure. Jack caster wheels are usually less than 10 inches (254 mm) in diameter and at excessive wheel speed, usually above 8 mph, the caster assembly will oscillate causing excessive heat, wheel tread wear and bearing failure. For Malabar mobile axle jacks (45 ton to 90 ton) a low cost jack transporter (or other combination units) is available for transport at up to 20 mph. Refer to the jack accessories, for information.
The jack includes a manual reservoir vent valve. This valve must be opened when the jack is being operated. If the vent valve is closed when lowering the jack, the reservoir gasket seal could be damaged due to internal pressure caused by fluid returning from the cylinder to the reservoir. The reservoir gasket must be coated with an approved non-hardening sealant when performing a repair or overhaul. Refer to the jack Owner’s Manual for operating procedures, repair procedures and spare parts.
MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid is the recommended fluid for all Malabar jacks. Other compatible hydraulic fluids are: SAE5W, SAE10W and ATF (automatic transmission fluid). For temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, we only recommend the use of MIL-H-5606. When temperatures fall below zero degrees Fahrenheit, we recommend using MIL-H-5606 cut to 50 percent with aliphatic naphtha.
The question usually applies to the following Malabar mobile axle jack models: 50P9AR, 60P9, 60P10, 65P9AR and 65P10AR. On models manufactured prior to September 1995, the jack reservoir was bolted to the frame. Over time, this configuration may loosen due to towing or other in service conditions causing the air pump/reservoir gasket to fail. On current models, the reservoir and frame are welded together, eliminating the use of bolts. For all units in service prior to September 1995, we recommend welding the connection. For additional information, please contact
The question usually applies to the following Malabar mobile axle jack models: 50P9AR, 50P9, 60P9, 60P10, 65P10, 65P9AR and 65P10AR. All Malabar jacks are shipped without hydraulic fluid in the jack reservoir. After filling the reservoir it is necessary to prime the air operated pump at the “bleed” fitting. Refer to the jack Owner’s Manual for complete instructions for this procedure. Note: The secret to priming the pump is to slowly operate the pump by only partially opening the air valve.
Malabar tools are recommended for repair and overhaul on all Malabar axle jacks and tripod jacks. On some models, like the 60P9, 60P10 and 65P10, it is almost impossible to repair them without the proper tools. All Malabar Owner’s Manuals reference the correct tool part numbers for repair and overhaul. For additional information consult the Owner’s Manual or contact
Malabar conducts a 2 day hands-on Product Repair Course at our facility in Simi Valley, CA. This repair course is specifically designed for GSE Mechanics who maintain Malabar products. The course includes a repair manual for each attendee with illustrated parts lists, preventative maintenance procedures, recommended tools and overhaul information. In addition, jack test equipment and special tools are demonstrated for the course attendees. For additional information, please contact
Yes, Malabar Tire Slave Kit, part number 871420, is available. The kit includes a pressure hose that connects from the aircraft tire valve stem to the axle jack air inlet connection, a pressure regulator and all required fittings. Refer to jack accessories for additional information.
All aircraft tripod jacks must be level for proper operation. In addition, the aircraft must be raised and lowered in a level attitude. Excessive side loading is the primary cause of tripod jack bearing wear or failure. Many tripod jacks, especially for wide body aircraft, include adjustable swivel feet for leveling the jack prior to operation. For hangar floors with excessive slope, tripod jacks with adjustable swivel feet should be used. As an option, aluminum shim plate kits (with various thicknesses) can be used under the jack foot pads. For additional information, please contact
It is Malabar’s policy to provide suggested guidelines for maintenance and testing procedures for our products. It is the responsibility of the end user to determine when and how often this testing should take place. Frequency of use, time in service, equipment condition and our customer’s policies are all determining factors. Refer to the Preventative Maintenance Section for more information. Please do not hesitate to contact this office with any questions or concerns.
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